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Unwanted Hair Skin Tags Broken Veins Eyebrows Home About Treatments Prices Testimonials Contact Treatments Unwanted Hair Treatments

Unwanted Hair

Treatment administered using Electrolysis

Every woman knows that unfeminine hair growth on her face is a beauty blemish.  Unsightly hair on other parts of the body can be equally embarrassing. All through the ages women have struggled with the problem of unwanted hair.  As far back as Egyptian times women made hair removal creams from beeswax and quicklime.  They also rubbed hair away with an amber stone.  Over the years many other methods of hair removal have been devised.  The most popular methods used today are hair removal creams, tweezing and waxing.  But the results are always the same – the hair returns.
Unwanted hair growth is often the result of hormonal changes in the body, such as puberty, pregnancy or the menopause.  Certain medicines may also stimulate hair growth, such as birth control pills, steroids and fertility drugs. The Medically Approved Method of Permanent Hair Removal is Electrolysis.  It is a permanent method of removing hair from the face and body. Doctors agree that this is a safe and permanent way to remove unwanted hair.  Men and women of all ages and nationalities who have unwanted hair of any type are candidates for electrolysis treatment.  Unlike laser treatments, which have been known to cause scarring on dark skin and is ineffective on fair hair, electrolysis is successful with all skin types and hair colour.

How electrolysis treats unwanted hair

A very fine needle is inserted into the hair follicle and an electrical current is applied.  This travels down the hair follicle and decomposes the root. Within one fifth of a second the root is destroyed and the hair is removed permanently.

Will any hairs return?

To decompose the root the impulse must travel the length of the hair follicle.  If the follicle is distorted the impulse can only destroy part of the root, so the hair will return. The hair regrowth will be weaker and finer but additional treatment will be needed to destroy the root permanently. Distortion can be hereditary, but in most cases it is caused by waxing or tweezing the hair. The more the hair has been waxed or tweezed, the greater the percentage of regrowth.
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BeautyBox nailsea
Unwanted Hair Skin Tags Broken Veins Eyebrows Home About Treatments Prices Testimonials Contact Treatments Unwanted Hair Treatments

Unwanted Hair

Treatment administered

using Electrolysis

Every woman knows that unfeminine hair growth on her face is a beauty blemish.  Unsightly hair on other parts of the body can be equally embarrassing. All through the ages women have struggled with the problem of unwanted hair.  As far back as Egyptian times women made hair removal creams from beeswax and quicklime.  They also rubbed hair away with an amber stone.  Over the years many other methods of hair removal have been devised.  The most popular methods used today are hair removal creams, tweezing and waxing.  But the results are always the same – the hair returns.
Unwanted hair growth is often the result of hormonal changes in the body, such as puberty, pregnancy or the menopause.  Certain medicines may also stimulate hair growth, such as birth control pills, steroids and fertility drugs. The Medically Approved Method of Permanent Hair Removal is Electrolysis.  It is a permanent method of removing hair from the face and body. Doctors agree that this is a safe and permanent way to remove unwanted hair.  Men and women of all ages and nationalities who have unwanted hair of any type are candidates for electrolysis treatment.  Unlike laser treatments, which have been known to cause scarring on dark skin and is ineffective on fair hair, electrolysis is successful with all skin types and hair colour.

How electrolysis treats unwanted hair

A very fine needle is inserted into the hair follicle and an electrical current is applied.  This travels down the hair follicle and decomposes the root. Within one fifth of a second the root is destroyed and the hair is removed permanently.

Will any hairs return?

To decompose the root the impulse must travel the length of the hair follicle.  If the follicle is distorted the impulse can only destroy part of the root, so the hair will return. The hair regrowth will be weaker and finer but additional treatment will be needed to destroy the root permanently. Distortion can be hereditary, but in most cases it is caused by waxing or tweezing the hair. The more the hair has been waxed or tweezed, the greater the percentage of regrowth.
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BeautyBox nailsea
Unwanted Hair Skin Tags Broken Veins Eyebrows Home About Treatments Prices Testimonials Contact Treatments Unwanted Hair Treatments

Unwanted Hair

Treatment administered using


Every woman knows that unfeminine hair growth on her face is a beauty blemish.  Unsightly hair on other parts of the body can be equally embarrassing. All through the ages women have struggled with the problem of unwanted hair.  As far back as Egyptian times women made hair removal creams from beeswax and quicklime.  They also rubbed hair away with an amber stone.  Over the years many other methods of hair removal have been devised.  The most popular methods used today are hair removal creams, tweezing and waxing.  But the results are always the same – the hair returns.
Unwanted hair growth is often the result of hormonal changes in the body, such as puberty, pregnancy or the menopause.  Certain medicines may also stimulate hair growth, such as birth control pills, steroids and fertility drugs. The Medically Approved Method of Permanent Hair Removal is Electrolysis.  It is a permanent method of removing hair from the face and body. Doctors agree that this is a safe and permanent way to remove unwanted hair.  Men and women of all ages and nationalities who have unwanted hair of any type are candidates for electrolysis treatment.  Unlike laser treatments, which have been known to cause scarring on dark skin and is ineffective on fair hair, electrolysis is successful with all skin types and hair colour.

How electrolysis treats unwanted hair

A very fine needle is inserted into the hair follicle and an electrical current is applied.  This travels down the hair follicle and decomposes the root. Within one fifth of a second the root is destroyed and the hair is removed permanently.

Will any hairs return?

To decompose the root the impulse must travel the length of the hair follicle.  If the follicle is distorted the impulse can only destroy part of the root, so the hair will return. The hair regrowth will be weaker and finer but additional treatment will be needed to destroy the root permanently. Distortion can be hereditary, but in most cases it is caused by waxing or tweezing the hair. The more the hair has been waxed or tweezed, the greater the percentage of regrowth.